Will County Treasurer Tim Brophy Announces Commemorative Coins For Purchase

Will County Treasurer Tim Brophy announces the sale of one-ounce silver medallions minted to commemorate the County’s sesquicentennial in 1986.

The County of Will was established on January 12, 1836 and on January 12, 1986 Will County Illinois became 150 years old. To celebrate that sesquicentennial event the Will County Sesquicentennial Committee minted one-ounce silver and bronze medallions. The new County seal appears on one side and on the reverse appear the words “Will County Illinois Sesquicentennial Commemorative 150 Years 1836 * 1986.”

At that time, the minted medallions were trusted to the Will County Treasurer for direct sales and were distributed throughout the County via consignment to banks and places of business. There remain at this date in the possession of the Will County Treasurer 341 silver medallions. Community members, constituents, and elected officials have expressed interest in purchasing the medallions. The medallions have been professionally cleaned and are ready for sale to the public. Medallions may now be purchased for $30 each in person only at the Treasurer’s office. Purchases must be made in cash or cashier’s check payable to the Will County Treasurer.

For questions or assistance call the Will County Treasurer at 815-740-4675 Mon- day through Friday, 8:30 – 4:30 PM.