A unique event to help people with a misdemeanor on their record to get it expunged or sealed. Chief Judge of the 12th Circuit Court of Will County, Judge Rick Schoenstedt says it’s within his power to help people move forward after they’ve paid their debt to society.

Judge Schoenstedt says just because you made one mistake, you shouldn’t have to pay for that mistake for the rest of your life if you completed your sentence or supervision. Potential employers would not be able to see your criminal record if it is expunged or sealed.

More than 3-thousand misdemeanors are filled in Will County each year.

You can register online for the fair which will be held on Saturday June 22nd from 10 to 4 p.m. Not all misdemeanors can be expunged like DUI’s and domestic battery convictions but you still might be able to get those records sealed. The event is limited to 150 participants. You must pre-register online and trained lawyers will receive your records and inform prior to the event if your records cannot be expunged or sealed. Finger prints and drug tests will be done prior to the Fresh Start Fair if you qualify. For more information go to circuitclerkofwillcounty.com