The Forest Preserve District of Will County offers a wide variety of programs year-round. Here are some of the upcoming offerings:

CHANNAHON – Morning Prairie Ramble for Adults,” 8-9:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Learn about the flowers in bloom and the ways all life is connected in the prairie during this 1-2 mile hike. Free; ages 18 or older. Register by Wednesday, Aug. 21, at or call 815-722-9470. 

WILMINGTON – “Hikin’ With Your Hound,” 6-7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23, Forked Creek Preserve – Ballou Road Access. Enjoy a 1-2 mile evening walk with an interpretive naturalist and your pup as you explore the landscape. Spend the last half-hour letting your dogs play in the dog park during a special, no-permit-required session. Park in the dog park parking lot. Free; all ages. Register by Thursday, Aug. 22, at or call 815-722-9470.

ROMEOVILLE – “Brownie Scout: Bugs Badge,” 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, Isle a la Cache Museum. Participants will complete a bug craft, search for bug homes and use sweep nets and bug boxes to observe bugs during the 90-minute program, which fulfills the Girl Scout Brownies Bugs Badge. Ages 7-9; group rates apply: $25 non-profits/$50 for-profits. Register by Thursday, Aug. 22, at or call 815-886-1467.

CRETE TOWNSHIP – “Breakfast with the Hummingbirds,” 10 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Aug. 24, Plum Creek Nature Center. Experience hummingbirds as they zip back and forth sipping from feeders and flowers in the nature center’s bird and butterfly garden. Find out how you can attract hummingbirds to your yard. Coffee and pastries will be provided. Free; all ages.

ROMEOVILLE – “Saving Your Prized Possessions,” 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, Isle a la Cache Museum. This program provides practical advice for anyone concerned with preserving their prized treasures. Discover the factors that make stuff fall apart, and learn easy ways to save and store possessions from a museum expert. Free; ages 16 or older. Register by Sunday, Aug. 25, at or call 815-886-1467.

Don’t forget to order your 2020 canine calendar featuring dogs from the Forest Preserve District’s six dog parks. Calendar sale proceeds will benefit the Will County Humane Society. Visit