Warning: Graphic Video Of Animals Being Abused At Local Rodeos
The man behind the videos showing local rodeos torturing animals, is praising Will County State’s attorney Jim Glasgow. Steve Hindi, founder of SHARK, which stands for Showing Animals Respect and Kindness says the video shows animals being abused. In some cases the animals are tortured from 10 to 20 times and when the animals can’t get up they’re electrocuted to get them to stand up.
This week Glasgow filed a temporary restraining order against the Horseman Association Club of north Joliet.
The event in question took place on labor day weekend, off of Briggs Street in Joliet where a drone video shows an injured animal not be being cared for.
The attorney for the rodeo agreed that they would not engage in these and any other behavior that is abusive to animals. This is set forth in the agreed order. Will County State’s attorney filed a verified complaint in the matter on Monday. The rodeo is not shut down; rather, they have agreed pursuant to the order not to engage in abusive practices.
Warning. Video below is graphic. View at your own discretion.