Crest Hill City Council Passes Resolution Adopting Property Tax Rebate Form
On August 19, 2019 the Crest Hill City Council unanimously passed Resolution 1053 requiring all Crest Hill property owners to fill out and submit a form in order to receive a 25% rebate on the municipal portion of their property tax bill. The City of Crest Hill has had a tax rebate program for 6 years returning to property owners 25% of what they paid the previous year in municipal taxes.
While many residents enjoy this benefit and welcome receiving these checks in the mail, others fail to cash the checks requiring the City to turn the funds over to the State as unclaimed property. “We are happy to provide this benefit to our tax payers and encourage everyone to take advantage of it,” said Crest Hill Mayor Raymond R. Soliman “By asking residents to apply for this benefit we can ensure those who want to participate can, and the funds from those who choose not to are used for City services and operations.”
The Property Tax Rebate Form is available on the City’s website and will be mailed to Crest Hill property owners.
The form must be completed and submitted with a copy of owner’s 2018 tax bill to the City Treasurer’s Office by Monday, December 2, 2019. In order to participate in the rebate program, applicants must have owned the property for all of 2018 and have paid all outstanding bills and fees due to the City. Rebate checks will be mailed to approved applicants in March 2020. For more information, please contact City Administrator Heather McGuire at (815) 741-5124.
Crest Hill Press Release