Hear spooky tales of witchcraft, or eat a bug at Forest Preserve programs
The Forest Preserve District of Will County has scheduled some spooky fun. Learn about tall tales of witchcraft on the Illinois frontier, watch turtles eat breakfast treats on Halloween or try to squelch your squeamishness by eating a bug or two. For those who want a gentler outing, check out the yoga session at Plum Creek Nature Center. Program registration is available on the Event Calendar at ReconnectWithNature.org. Here is the lineup:
(Zoom Webinar) History at Home – Witchcraft in Illinois Country: Hear early spooky tales of the unexplained, mysterious and magical during this virtual Forest Preserve District program set for 6-6:45 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28. Dive into Native folklore and early explorers’ tall tales, as well as accounts of witchcraft on the Illinois frontier. Free, ages 16 or older. Register at ReconnectWithNature.org for the Zoom link.
(Crete Township) Yoga on the Hill: Join a gentle morning yoga class on the hilltop from 8-9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Forest Preserve District’s Plum Creek Nature Center. The course is taught by instructor Danielle O’Leary. The cost is $18 per person and the class is for ages 13 or older. Register online or call 708-946-2216.
(Zoom Webinar) Halloween Treats with the Turtles: Tune in to this live broadcast to see the Forest Preserve District’s resident Blanding’s turtles snack on some spooktacular Halloween treats for breakfast. The free, all ages program begins at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 31. A naturalist will be in the background sharing information and answering questions. Register online for the Zoom link.
(Crete Township) Don’t Be a Zombie, Eat a Bug: Snack on some scrumptious bugs, perhaps a delicious roasted cricket or two, during this free, all ages Forest Preserve District program, which runs from Tuesday, Nov. 2, through Sunday, Nov. 28, at Plum Creek Nature Center. Hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon-4 p.m. Sundays and closed Mondays. Eating insects is an excellent emergency-preparedness strategy. And you never know when zombies might cause an apocalypse, so it’s good to be prepared. While you’re eating bugs, check out the companion exhibit, “Don’t Be a Zombie! Be Prepared,” also at the nature center through Nov. 28. Registration is not required.
For more information on the Forest Preserve District of Will County, visit ReconnectWithNature.org.