Lockport Township High School Freshman Teacher Receives National Teacher of the Year Award

Lockport Township High School (LTHS) District 205 teacher Corey Duzan has earned the 2022-23 National PLTW Engineering Teacher of the Year award, which recognizes educators who demonstrate a strong record of delivering an inspiring and empowering student experience, expanding access to PLTW programs, and transforming teaching. Duzan was
chosen from nominations received from across the U.S.

PLTW is honoring Duzan for his work in the PLTW Engineering program. Duzan has been a teacher at LTHS District 205 sinc2017 and teaches PLTW-Introduction to Engineering Design, STEM Exploration, Digital Pathways courses for 9th grade students at LTHS Central Campus.

“When I consider what the National PLTW Teacher of the Year award recognizes, I believe that Mr. Duzan is the educator I have worked with in my 33-year career who embodies it the most. I speak from a unique perspective. I have worked with Mr. Duzan in two school districts and served as his mentor when he pursued a degree in educational leadership. He is committed,
creative, inspiring, and humble. I have watched his work with students for 15 years at two schools,” said Dr. Robert McBride, LTHS District 205 Superintendent.

Duzan said on receiving the award, “I am honored to receive this award but am humbled due to the amazing students and educators that make up this impressive network. PLTW is truly made up of some of the best educators and learners on the planet. I would highly recommend seeing these programs and classrooms in action if you have never seen them before. The work that we do in the classroom and in professional development is a benchmark to so many due to the overwhelming support and care that teachers and students put towards helping others. Our numbers are staggering due to our commitment to helping students and educators succeed in the classroom. I am grateful and proud to represent my students, Lockport
Township High School, College and Career Applications Department, Community, and PLTW. This is definitely a highlight of my career. I could have never gotten to this moment in my career without the support of my wife, parents, family, teachers, mentors, friends, and students.”

“PLTW educators do incredible work facilitating learning experiences that help inspire and prepare students to reach their full potential. This award acknowledges and recognizes their accomplishments in continuing that mission,” stated Dr. David Dimmett, PLTW Interim President and CEO. “We congratulate them and are proud of the work these educational leaders do to
equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success beyond the classroom, no matter what career path they choose.

Each year PLTW honors outstanding teachers and administrators across the network who play an immeasurable role to prepare students to thrive in college, careers and beyond.