Family OK But Loses Pet In Sugar Creek Subdivision House Fire
East Joliet Fire Protection District was called to a house fire early this morning in the Sugar Creek subdivision. Fire Chief Robert Scholtes says they arrived on the scene of a house fire at 1808 Valley Parkway that was fully engulfed in flames at about 5:30 a.m.
The fire was brought under control within half an hour and struck about an hour later. The occupants of the house were able to get our safely but sadly lost their pet and their house is unlivable.
Because there are no fire hydrants in the general vicinity, trucks carrying 2000 gallons of water from half a dozen fire departments were on the scene.
East Joliet fire district was helped by Manhattan, Rockdale, Lemont, New Lenox, Elwood and Troy fire departments. Scholtes doesn’t know if there was a working fire alarm at the home. State Fire Marshals are on the scene along with the East Joliet Fire Protection District investigators to determine the cause of the blaze. Again no one was injured.