Labor Day Impaired Driving Campaign Results
The Will County Sheriff’s Office made fourteen impaired driving arrests during the recent Labor Day enforcement campaign. “Through the Labor Day campaign, we helped to make our roads safer and reminded motorists that impaired driving is not a game,” said Traffic Lt. Denny.
The results of the Sheriff’s Office efforts are as follows: 11 felony arrests, 6 suspended/revoked licenses, 21 uninsured motor vehicles, 92 speeding citations, 1 no child restraint, 24 misdemeanor arrests, 8 illegal cell phone violations, 7 no valid driver’s licenses, 37 other moving violations, and 45 other non-moving violations.
The Will County Sheriff’s Office joined forces with other law enforcement agencies and highway safety partners throughout the state for the Illinois Labor Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over/Drive High, Get a DUI” campaign. The effort was made possible by federal highway safety funds distributed by the Illinois Department of Transportation.