Plainfield Fire Protection Rescues Kitten… Twice

A feline rescues leads to a happy ending in Plainfield. Recently the Plainfield Fire Protection District was called for a cat stuck inside an engine compartment of a vehicle in front of the Rosati’s near 127th and Route 59. Upon arrival Firefighters saw that a kitten had crawled inside the engine compartment of a vehicle and was afraid to get out. A couple parked next to the car had heard the kitten meowing and found the owner of the vehicle who was unaware that a kitten was inside the engine compartment of their vehicle. Firefighters were able to coax the kitten out of the engine compartment with anchovies from Rosati’s. Once free of the engine compartment the kitten started to run and ended up jumping into a storm drain. They then had to rescue the kitten from the storm drain. Both ends of the storm drain were opened and a blanket was lowered into the drain in the hopes of catching the kitten. Eventually the kitten was coaxed towards the blanket and was brought up from the storm drain to safety. The kitten was transported to a local veterinarian to be checked out and a short time later one of the rescuers, Lt. Eric Jensen and his family adopted the kitten and named her Rosie since she was originally found in front of Rosati’s. Rosie has a cat sister and a dog brother and is adjusting well to her new life as a housecat. Rosie was rescued by Lt. Eric Jensen who was assisted by Battalion Chief Mike Obman, Firefighter/Paramedic Lorin Eichelberger and Firefighter/EMT Dan Saviano.