Senior Services of Will County Delivering Groceries To Seniors

Through the Illinois Department of Aging and donations from Sam’s Club, Seniors Services of Will County will be delivery groceries to hundreds of seniors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors are being encouraged to stay at home. CEO of Senior Services of Will County Barry Kolanowski says through outreach and seniors calling them for help, they’re answering the call.

The Joliet Rotary Club is helping to organize 25 drivers to deliver groceries to 300 seniors this Friday. Donations from Sam’s plus funds from the state of Illinois Department of aging to help buy groceries for seniors. If you would like to volunteer and deliver groceries next Friday, April 3rd call Barry directly at 630-392-1953 or if you’re a senior needing groceries, call 815 723-9713. Non-surgical face masks will be available and will be obviously practicing distancing as required.