Will County Clerk Recruiting Election Judges For 2020 Elections
Will County Clerk Lauren Staley Ferry is urging interested individuals from both major political parties to sign up now to become an Election Judge to work the 2020 Primary and Presidential Elections.
The Will County Clerk’s Office is seeking new Election Judges from throughout Will County. Election Judge training classes have been in progress since May and will continue through the end of January 2020. The General Primary is on March 17, 2020 and the General Election is on November 3, 2020.
“Election Judges play an important role in the voting process,” Staley Ferry said. “As hands-on participants in our democracy, they ensure that our elections are administered fairly, accurately, and in accordance with the law.”
She added: “In addition to serving voters on Election Day, this can be an interesting and exciting way to earn extra money.”
Election Judges are paid $150 for the day they are assigned to work at a polling place in addition to mileage reimbursement. The County Clerk’s Office strives to assign Election Judges to polling places in or near the precincts in which they live.
New Election Judges are required to attend a 2-1/2 hour training class that is scheduled during a weekday morning or afternoon. Upon completion of training and an assignment, they can earn extra compensation by helping to pick up and drop off election supplies on Election Day.
Interested applicants must be a U.S. citizen and a registered voter in Will County.
High school juniors or seniors with a 3.0/4.0 GPA also are eligible to apply. Students may be enrolled in a public or private secondary school or a local community college or university.
To apply and serve as an Election Judge, visit thewillcountyclerk.com and attend a training class.